In 2011, we began stricto sensu postgraduate activities in this area at the State University of Amazonas with the creation of the Professional Master's Degree in Letters and Arts. After a triennial evaluation by CAPES (2010-2012), the set of actions developed in the program led to an opinion from the area that suggested that the Program's profile was related in a manner more consistent with an Academic Master's degree proposal. The exchange was carried out, thus reinforcing the concept that PPGLA had designed for the profile of its graduates. On the occasion, the lines of research housed in a concentration area were reformulated, composing a new APCN, now with an Academic Master's degree, which further promoted the interdisciplinary aspect, by bringing together initiatives that had similar motivation, regarding the treatment and destination of themes, objects and scientific observation phenomena.

Therefore, we started the program in the month following the CAPES recommendation, which suggested the migration of the class of 2015 to the academic modality. Regarding the insertion of the Program in the North region, it met a demand for years. There were far fewer in the region than the current 11 master's degrees and 2 doctorates in the area of Linguistics and Literature (LETTERS). Literature programs in the state of Amazonas are, however, recent (at UFAM in 2010 and at UEA in 2011). Thus, the selection processes at PPGLA have always had a significant number of applicants, with an average of 100 candidates competing for 20 vacancies, with the prospect of increasing these vacancies for the 2019 selection notice. Therefore, the insertion of PPGLA in the region has brought positive results, among which we highlight the local training of professionals, of which 18 are teachers from UEA itself, and more than double that of teachers from the public (municipal and state) education network, as well as artists and writers. One of the particularities of our proposal is to cover the three areas of the broad area of Linguistics, Literature and Arts. But the interdisciplinarity that is promoted here reaches other related disciplines, favoring a broader ontological process. In this way, artistic and literary expressions, as well as their linguistic basis, can be observed from multiple aspects.

Objectives (General and Specific)
The Postgraduate Program in Literature and Arts at the State University of Amazonas aims to train researchers and professionals in the area of Linguistics, Literature and Arts, thus contributing to the formation of a critical and professional mass in the State of Amazonas. In this sense, our specific objectives are:
a) promote artistic, linguistic and literary research, in order to guarantee scientific and professional skills to Program graduates;
b) promote the treatment of linguistic, literary and artistic expressions as a source of projects that aim at the creation and restoration of artistic and literary work, but also fighting for other similar products, as well as processes, phenomena, analyses, evaluations, criticisms, syntheses , and everything that enables the development, practice and understanding

Graduate Profile
The student to be trained in the Master's Degree in Letters and Arts at the State University of Amazonas must be able, with regard to scientific and professional skills, to combine theoretical and interpretative skills in order to exercise cultural articulation with society in a creative way, based on pre-existing notions, or original ideas, as well as observing processes and phenomena, multiplying artistic, linguistic and literary action in order to facilitate their understanding and disseminate the repercussion and feedback that emanates from it. Another concern concerns the training of new teachers who can work in higher education courses, or in primary and secondary education, both in the capital and in the interior.